ESG Certificate includes

skills certificate

ESG Certificate

| skills-certificate

skills certificate

ESG Certificate

| Skills Certificate
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Practical exercises



Learn to identify the basic principles underpinning ESG and how they are applied to investment strategies.

ESG Investing

47 video minutes

4 excel exercises

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Video minutes 47

Excel Exercises 4

  • Introduction to ESG
  • Materiality
  • Benchmarking Analysis
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance Metrics
  • Scenario Analysis


Learning Objectives:
  • Identify why ESG matters to the investment community.
  • Identify the primary goal of impact investing in ESG investment approaches.
  • Recognize which types of risks are considered universally material in ESG analysis
    and why.
  • Identify the metrics used to assess risks.
  • Identify the common challenges in benchmarking ESG performance across
  • Identify the purpose of scenario analysis in ESG valuation.

ESG in credit analysis

44 video minutes

2 excel exercises

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Video minutes 44

Excel Exercises 2

  • E, S, and G issues of relevance in credit analysis
  • How ESG factors impact company financials
  • ESG impact on financial to the credit evaluation metrics
  • The role of ratings agencies and the approach they use
  • Types of ESG-oriented bonds
    Sovereign debt analysis


Learning Objectives:
  • Determine which outcomes are associated with incorporating ESG analysis into credit assessments.
  • Identify the challenges that are unique to incorporating ESG analysis in fixed income securities, compared to other asset classes.
  • Determine the main focus of credit analysis in evaluating an issuer’s ability to meet debt obligations.
  • Identify the factors that credit analysts should consider when performing industry analysis
  • Recognize the most important factors fixed-income analysts must consider when evaluating ESG risks in credit valuation.
  • Identify the key principle of good practice for ESG-focused bond issuance according to the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA)
  • Identify and categorize the key metrics for types of risk in sovereign debt analysis.

ESG in Carbon Markets and Carbon Pricing

29 video minutes

2 excel exercises

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Video minutes 29

Excel Exercises 2

  • Carbon pricing is & why it matters
  • How the carbon pricing market works
  • Internal carbon pricing to project analysis & decision
  • Internal carbon pricing to company analysis


Learning Objectives:
  • Determine why a company might see carbon pricing as beneficial.
  • Identify the key features of carbon markets.
  • Determine the risks of carbon leakage.
  • Identify the principle, impact and users of carbon pricing.
  • Determine the likely effects of an increase in carbon prices.
  • Identify the factors a company should consider during an investment project appraisal.
  • Determine the role of carbon pricing in company analytics and valuation.

ESG Integrated Portfolio Construction

32 video minutes

2 excel exercises

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Video minutes 32

Excel Exercises 2

  • Approaches to portfolio construction
  • ESG Integration in the passive space
  • ESG characteristics of a portfolio
  • The role of portfolio sustainability/ESG ratings agencies
  • Portfolio ESG metrics vs those of benchmark
  • Performance attribution


Learning Objectives:
  • Identify the approaches to constructing an ESG-integrated portfolio.
  • Identify the key aspects and benefits of ESG integration in active systematic strategies.
  • Identify the key aspects of ESG integration in passive investment strategies.
  • Identify the reasons fund managers assess the ESG characteristics of a portfolio.
  • Identify what investors can rely on from ESG ratings providers to assess portfolio risks.
  • Identify the limitations of using static ESG metrics in assessing a portfolio.
  • Identify the challenges in calculating ESG portfolio metrics.

Stewardship and Engagement

23 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 23

Excel Exercises 0

  • Stewardship
  • Monitoring, voting, and engagement
  • Key elements of successful engagement
  • Voting & how it can be done
  • Codes and Standards
  • How Stewardship is reported and more!


Learning Objectives:
  • Determine why stewardship is important in corporate governance, particularly for
  • Distinguish between monitoring and engagement in ESG stewardship activities.
  • Determine which factors are essential for successful engagement between
    investors and companies.
  • Identify the characteristics of active and passive management in ESG engagement
  • Identify the features that make collaborative engagement an effective strategy for
    influencing corporate behavior.
  • Determine which actions investors should take when exercising their voting rights.
  • Identify how stewardship codes and standards benefit the investment community.
  • Identify the key element of stewardship reporting by asset managers.
Course details

Program Level: Intermediate

Advanced preparation: None

  • Intermediate level accounting, modeling and valuation.
  • Basic understanding of capital markets.
  • Investment banker micro degree (or equivalent), or 3 years’ experience in investment banking or asset management.

Delivery Method: QAS Self Study
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge

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Wall Street Recognized Certification

Established on Wall Street, Financial Edge has taught at the biggest bulge-bracket firms since 2016, and now we offer that very same training online for you. It’s no secret that banking is fiercely competitive, which is why our Wall Street recognized certification is designed to let your employers know you have the skills to succeed.

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  • Lifetime access
  • Expert instructor support

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Boost includes:
  • 266+ hours of instructor-led learning
  • Search across 480+ playlists, 4000+ videos and Q&As
  • Role-focused pathways
  • Expert instructor support

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Full Felix access including all learning content and data features.

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Pro includes:
  • Everything in the Boost plan
  • Streamlined company data
  • Current and historic filings for over 7000 companies
  • Market and industry data
  • Ready-to-use sector and transaction models

Compare plans

Single Course Boost Plan Pro Plan
Completion certificates 38 38
Skills certificates 1 51 51
Micro-degrees 12 12
Lifetime access to course
Expert instructor support
Practical exercises to work alongside videos and quick quizzes to test your understanding
Searchable library of 480+ playlists, 4000+ videos and Q&As
12 role-based learning pathways, including Investment Banking, Equity Research, Sales and Trading and more
Weekly live webinars
Streamlined company data (WACC. & EV bridge calculator, custom comparables)
Current and historic filings for over 7000 firms globally
Current and historic filings for over 4000 US firms
Link to, label and share data points in filings (limited to 10 for Free and Boost users, unlimited for Pro)
Regional and industry data sets
Ready-to-use sector and transaction models
Single course £129
Boost £449/year Expand skills
Pro £699/year Maximize potential

Frequently Asked Questions

What tech do I need?

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Access your course across desktop, laptop, tablet or phone; either via our web portal or the dedicated mobile app. While we have optimized our video quality and size, we recommend a broadband connection to enable uninterrupted video playback. A PDF reader and spreadsheet application are required to open the supporting resources.

Is it right for me?

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Our online courses reflect the training new analysts receive at the leading financial organizations. They're challenging, but if you want to demonstrate you are as good as the best in the industry then this is the course for you. The top investment banks will recognize our micro-degree certifications, making them perfect for graduates looking to land a job or a professional preparing for a new role.

Are Financial Edge's courses credible?

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The leading investment banks, as rated by the FT, hire us to train their incoming analysts. If you are looking to join the best analysts in the world, why not challenge yourself with the same content and certification with the same Wall Street instructors ready to answer your questions.

Will the ESG Certificate help me get a job?

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Absolutely. Develop practical skills you can use to impress at interviews, whether you’re looking to break into finance or change roles.

How long do I have to complete the ESG Certificate ?

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Everyone works at their own pace so there's no restrictions, all you need is an active Felix plan for the course you are completing. All Felix plans renew annually.

Are there any hidden costs?

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No. Everything you need is included, from instructor-led videos and Excel exercises to the exams.

What support will I get along the way?

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Our expert instructors are standing by to answer questions and help you develop a detailed understanding of finance complexities. Our technical support team are also ready to help with any system problems.

What is the difference between a Felix subscription and buying a single course?

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Purchasing a single course gives you lifetime access to that one program. Purchasing a yearly Boost or Pro Felix subscription gives you access to our full library of 50+ certifications for the duration of your subscription. With a Pro plan, you’ll also be able to access our streamlined company and market data alongside productivity tools.