To help us resolve issues as quickly as possible please contact us from the email address used in our system, or provide that information, along with as many details about the issue as possible: course ID, page the problem exists on, full description.
Help and Support Using Financial Edge’s Online Systems
Technology is utilized throughout our courses to enhance and deliver training around the world. If you encounter a problem please check the FAQs below or contact our support team.
How do I create an account?
Before creating an account please be sure you do not have one already or have not been sent details to log in. If you can’t remember, please use the forgotten password page to check.
How do I enroll on a course?
You need 2 pieces of information: the course ID number and enrollment code. These are likely to have been emailed to you. If you are missing either piece of information please contact our support team with the details of your training and any information already provided.
To enroll, vist the system homepage and submit the course ID via the orange input box. Enter the enrollment key on the next page and you will gain access to the course. Enrollment codes are case sensitive, it is often best to copy and paste the code but be wary of copying blank spaces at the start or end.
If the enrollment fails please check the key and try again. If it fails repeatedly please contact our support team.
How do I download the app?
Please be aware that the app is for existing users. If you are not set up on the system yet please see the Browser Support section for help on creating an account and enrolling.
Download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, simply search for “financial edge” on your device.
How do I create an account via the app?
Sorry, you cannot create an account directly on the app, but you can do so via your mobile browser.
Before creating an account please be sure you do not have one already or have not been sent details to log in. If you can’t remember, please use the forgotten password page to check.
Where are my courses?
Once you have logged in, all of the courses you are enrolled on will be visible under the “My courses” tab. If your course list is empty then you are not currently enrolled on any courses. Sorry, you can not enroll directly on courses via the app.
To enroll on a course please see the Browser Support section on enrollment.
How do I take my courses offline?
To access content offline you must first preload it when connected. To do so, access a course section and look for the cloud download icon next to the resources. Tap the icon to start download. Videos, quizzes and materials can be taken offline and your progress will be synchronized when you reconnect.
Once you are finished with offline resources you can clear them from your phone by going to the menu > app settings > space usage and tapping the bin by your user.
Why is the app taking up so much space on my device?
If you have downloaded a lot of materials or videos the app can be holding a lot of data for offline playback. To delete unwanted files go to the menu (3 lines in the top left corner) > app settings > space usage and tapping the bin by your user.
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