PowerPoint Shortcuts

Everything we do in PowerPoint is controlled by the ribbon, which can be accessed with either the mouse or the keyboard. Here are several PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts to help build and format slides more efficiently.

PowerPoint Shortcuts for Making a Presentation

  • Ctrl + N: New presentation
  • Ctrl + O: Open presentation
  • Ctrl + M: Insert a new slide
  • Ctrl + D: Close a presentation
  • Ctrl + Shift + D: Make a copy of the selected slide
  • Ctrl + F1: Show/hide the ribbon
  • Alt + F10: Show/hide selection pane

Combined Mouse-Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift + Select Item with Mouse: Adds the item to the current selection
  • Ctrl + Move Item with Mouse: Duplicates the selected item
  • Shift + Move Item with Mouse: Restricts movement of item to straight up/down or left/right
  • Ctrl + Resize Item with Mouse: Resizes the item around its center
  • Shift + Resize Item with Mouse: Keep the original proportions of the item while resizing

Microsoft Shortcuts

Some key shortcuts can be used across Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel.

  • Alt: Display shortcuts in the ribbon
  • Ctrl + B: Bold
  • Ctrl + I: Italic
  • Ctrl + U: Underline
  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Ctrl + F: Find
  • Shift + F4: Repeat the last Find action
  • Ctrl + H: Replace
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selected object or text
  • Ctrl + A: Select all
  • Ctrl + Alt + M: Insert a new comment

PowerPoint Shortcuts for Working with Objects and Text

When building PowerPoint slides it can be time consuming to format text and objects. PowerPoint has a number of shortcuts to help align, resize, and group objects and text to help make formatting slides easier and more efficient.

  • Ctrl + A: Select all objects in slide
  • Ctrl + G: Group
  • Ctrl + Shift + G: Ungroup
  • Ctrl + K: Insert hyperlink
  • Ctrl + D: Duplicate selected object
  • Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase font size
  • Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease font size
  • Ctrl + Shift + Plus Sign (+): Superscript
  • Ctrl + Plus Sign (+) =: Subscript
  • Alt + Equal sign (=): Insert equation

Aligning and Positioning Objects and Text in PowerPoint

  • Ctrl + L: Left align
  • Ctrl + R: Right align
  • Ctrl + J: Justify align
  • Ctrl + E: Center align
  • Alt + H + G +A + L: Left align shapes
  • Alt + H + G +A + R: Right align shapes
  • Alt + H + G +A + T: Align shapes top
  • Alt + H + G +A + B: Align shapes bottom
  • Ctrl + Left Bracket: Send object back one position
  • Ctrl + Right Bracket: Send object forward one position
  • Ctrl + Shift + Left Bracket: Send object to back
  • Ctrl + Shift + Right Bracket: Send object to front

Creating a Bulleted List using Different Styles

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To create a list that uses filled round bullets, press the Asterisk sign (*).
  • To create a list that uses hyphens, press the Minus sign (-).
  • To create a list that uses arrow bullets, press the Right angle bracket (>).
  • To create a list that uses diamonds, press Left angle bracket (<) + Right angle bracket (>).
  • To create a list that uses arrows, press two minus signs (-) + Right angle bracket (>).
  • To create a list that uses double arrows, press the Equal sign ( = ) + Right angle bracket (>).
  1. Press Spacebar.
  2. Type the list item, and then press Enter.

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Wouldn’t it be great if we could access shortcuts even faster? PowerPoints Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) uses letters to identify each of the menus and the sub menus and the numbers 1 to 5 that identify shortcut keys for these commands, to make shortcuts even faster. The default shortcuts in the QAT are auto save, save, undo, redo, and start presentation from beginning. These have their own unique keyboard shortcuts that are easy to remember:

  • Ctrl + S: Save
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + F5: Start the presentation from the beginning

These shortcuts are simple and can often be easily memorized. So, what we can do is customize the QAT to do things that are useful to us, that don’t have quick shortcuts. To add a new shortcut, right click on a tool to add it to the QAT. For example, to add Align Top to the QAT, open Arrange on the Home ribbon, select Align, and then right click on Align Top to Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

PowerPoint Shortcuts

PowerPoint Shortcuts for Presenting

Now your presentation is built, and you are ready to present it there are a few quick shortcuts you can use.

  • Fn + F5: Start the presentation from the beginning
  • F5: Start the presentation from the current slide
  • Shift + F5: Start the presentation from the current slide in a window
  • Alt + F4: Close PowerPoint
  • N or Spacebar: Next slide or animation whilst presenting
  • P or Backspace: Previous slide or animation whilst presenting

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